Staying cool in warmer weather
When the weather gets warmer, I am sure we all know what we should be doing to protect our children from the sun and keep them safe in the hot weather but it doesn't hurt to remind each other and to share our ideas so here, we have outlined a few things of what we do when the sun is out and the temperature rises. A rule to keep in mind is whatever we do for ourselves, we should make sure we do the same and more, for our children.
UV protection
The most obvious one is to apply sun cream before leaving home and re-apply throughout the day if necessary. However, it’s also a good idea to invest in some sunnies and a good breathable hat too. If you are going to spend a lot of time in the pool, you can invest in a UV protected swimsuit for all over body protection.
Keep hydrated
In this hot weather, kid will sweat a lot more so it is very important that their water intake is more than their normal daily amount. Water stays cooler for longer in insulated water flasks such as the Pura Insulated bottles. As well as water, there are many ways to keep kids hydrated - lollies, smoothies, juices and fruit. Try putting a bottle of water in the freezer overnight and taking it out in the morning so that it gradually melts during the day. If you are not keen on the ready bought lollies, we recommend making and freezing your own smoothies or juices in a Squeasy Snacker (reusable food pouch) and taking it out with you for the day and it will slowly melt and stay cool - a great refreshing way for the kids to stay cool. You can always make a sweet ice cube by freezing fruit too - but be sure to cut portions to a suitable size for your child.
Water play
The best way to enjoy the hot weather and to keep cool is getting the kids wet playing with water. Fill a bucket, fill a paddling pool, fill with toys and you’ll have hours of fun. Getting my kids out of the bath after 10 minutes can be a struggle at times, so unlimited water play in the garden is a kids dream.
Keep blinds, curtains or shutters drawn as much as possible during the sunny periods. If using a fan, place ice cubes or a frozen bottle of water in front of the fan so it blows and circulate cooler air. Sometimes being indoors can actually be hotter than staying outside - if this is the case, find nice cool areas in your garden or near where you live for some shaded shelter. On the other hand, if the weather outside does get too much, find cooler rooms inside your house or spend a couple of hours in shopping centres or shops and make the most of their air-conditioning.
Protect their feet
It’s easy to forget how hot the ground can get in the scorching heat so it is a great idea to have some lightweight shoes suitable for the kids to play and run about it in the hot weather. Also avoids slipping on wet surfaces.
Most importantly, make the most of the warm weather as we know if never stays around for too long so enjoy and stay safe in the sun.