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    Blogs — Nursing

    Hot off the press - new baby products coming to the UK!

    Hot off the press - new baby products coming to the UK!

    We had a wonderful trip to Cologne to look at new, innovative and stylish baby and children's products exhibited from around the world.  It was our third trip and every year we are surprised and excited by the inventions and products that come to the market and only wish we had these when our kids were little.

    So here are our top 7 baby products:

    7. Extra large changing mat by Pinolino

    The nursery furniture by Pinolino were definitely generating nursery envy for us. Spacious 3 unit wardrobes with clean, modern lines would make any room fit for a prince or princess. What drew our attention was the extra large changing table.  There was an extra panel extending the back of the chest of drawers and the changing mat was wide so you can change the baby front on instead of sideways.  Great for those wriggly babies.

    6. Microscooter cabin case and seat in 1



    This cabin sized suitcase will take away the stress out of airports.  When you've checked in your buggy and you have a toddler who wants to be carried yet you have your own suitcase, changing bag and extras to carry, this suitcase converts to a wheely chair, almost like a ride along bike, for your little one.  They say it supports up to 30kg but I had a sneaky ride on it - check me out!  Just like their scooters it is well designed, sturdy construction and great manoeuverability. 

    5. Biobuddi eco building blocks

    This is an amazing company using sugarcane waste to build safe, eco-friendly and sustainable building blocks.  They have a good range of vibrant coloured educational sets as well as building playsets.  These are a great plastic free alternatives and compatible with Duplo.

    4.Je Porte Mon Bebe physio carrier



    A baby carrier that meets all your requirements from birth up to 20kg!  This carrier is suitable for front and back (from 6 months) carrying and for all season.  We were instantly drawn to this carrier as it has a flap that reveals a mesh lining for warmer weather which is a thumbs up as we know how hot and sweaty carriers can get for both baby and parent.

    3. WeeKee - changing mat for cars

    Imagine you're driving in the middle of nowhere, your car boot is full and your baby needs a number 2 nappy change with no changing facilities in sight.  We remember very well. Take a look at the superb innovative solution: WeeKee car changing mat comes in a small pack that self-inflates in seconds and counters the incline of the car seat.  It's so easy to roll back up and repack.

    2. Maxi cosi infant carseat with air bag (Axissfix Air)

    This car seat, although an expensive initial outlay, is suitable from approximately 4 months, for toddlers and going up to 4 years old.  It's the world’s first car seat with built-in airbags. In the case of an accident within 0.05 second the airbags inflate with cold air which give crucial protection to your child’s head, neck and shoulders.  It has a 360° swivelling seat to make putting your little one in and out of the car seat a little bit easier.  It also has a forward facing seat option from 15 months.

    1. Elvie breastpump

    Our favourite product wowed us - the Elvie breastpump.   This is a revolutionary breastpump worth the £299 for one pump.  It's handsized pump fits into a nursing bra without leads so that you can remain mobile and get on with what you need to do.  The world’s first silent wearable breast pump has a 2 hour battery life with a BPA free bottle for 150mL pump capacity and all parts can be sterilised where required.  A novel feature of the Elvie breastpump is that you can turn it on using a mobile app that also tracks how much you've pumped with a pump history. We think that if you can carry on with your daily life this could simulate breastfeeding and promote milk production during expressing. Amazing product! 

    Quick natural ways to clean the baby bottles

    Quick natural ways to clean the baby bottles

    Learning how to feed a baby may be a huge excitement but it is also a very responsible task. Parents should make sure that the baby bottles are always extra clean. This doesn’t mean purchasing chemical detergents or running an almost empty dishwasher several times per day. There are many natural ways to clean the baby bottles and I guarantee that you will be nicely surprised with the result. You can achieve the required pristine level of cleanliness with hot water, baking soda and vinegar. Keep in mind that it is important to sanitise not only the baby bottles but also the place where you store them.

    Here are several ways to take care of the baby bottles, which will bring you peace of mind:

    One of the easiest natural ways to clean the baby bottles is to boil a big pot of water and add 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Stir the mixture and place all bottles parts in it. let them soak overnight. The next morning take the parts out of the pot, put them in another big vessel and rinse with water, making sure that the baking soda is removed completely. After that, let the parts dry on a paper towel. Use the bottles directly or put them in their rightful place.

    Another easy solution is scrubbing the bottles with natural soap and a bottle brush. It cleans out the formula residue completely. Dissolve a small amount of the natural soap in hot water, dip the brush in the mixture and start rubbing the bottles with it. Use a detachable small brush to clean the nipples, bacteria often hide there. Clean all bottle components and after that rinse them with a mixture made of boiled water and 2 tablespoons of vinegar. 

    Here is how you can eliminate the sweet milk smell that all bottles gain with time. First wash the inside of the bottle, using hot water, natural soap and a bottle brush. After that, rinse the bottle and fill it halfway with a mixture of hot water and 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Close the bottle and shake for several minutes. Then rinse it and check if the sour milk smell is eliminated. If necessary, repeat the procedure with the baking soda one more time.

    Proper drying is crucial for germ-free baby bottles. Make sure that the bottles, nipples and valves are completely dry before you feed your baby or put them away. Humidity attracts bacteria. Investing in a drying rack is a smart solution. It holds all bottle parts and keeps the countertops dry. As every parent, you also want to give your baby the best from the very start. These natural ways will help you to do that and give you peace of mind.

    Please note these are cleaning not sterilisation methods.  It is recommended by the NHS that bottles are sterilised after cleaning until your baby is 12 months old. 

    5 things you didn’t know you would do until you had a baby

    5 things you didn’t know you would do until you had a baby

    We all know that having your precious little baby is life changing. Your body changes forever, you can't sleep, you change a million dirty nappies, you are responsible for everything your baby needs: feeding, changing, cleaning, teaching and loving them.  But who knew all the other things that you would do when you have a baby to make life work.  

    1. Going to the toilet whilst holding your baby – you’ve held on for as long as you can and your baby either hasn’t finished his nap or just will not let you go without crying, and you have already slightly leaked.   So you go to take a pee whilst holding your baby.  It can be done. This is when you realise those jeans are a pain to put back on … with one hand.
    2. Cook whilst holding your baby in one arm -  It’s Wednesday and you haven’t had a home cooked meal since Sunday when husband was at home so you decide to cook dinner but it’s now 6pm and you still haven’t managed to time preparing dinner with your baby.  So you learn the art of one handed dinner preparation and cooking.  The carrots might still have the skin on – it’s hard using a peeler with one hand.  The courgettes might not be perfectly sliced in equal pieces.  Have you ever chopped with a blunt knife before? And the chicken might be overcooked because there are uneven pieces but at least you can say you cooked.
    3. Playing tag at meal times with your partner.  On the days you actually manage to cook dinner you’ll want to enjoy your delicious meal whilst it’s hot.  Why do babies always know when it’s our meal time? And wont’ let you eat in peace.  So one of you holds the baby walking around the house, starving.  At least one of you can enjoy your meal whilst it’s hot although you’ll prob eat it in half the time that you usually do so that your partner can have some food.  
    4. 1 - 2 minute showers – you know still being in your pyjamas at 4pm is normal but in this heat you can’t wait to jump in the shower except baby just won’t let you… so you put him down, he’s crying as if it was the worst thing on earth you could ever do, so you have the fastest shower on record. Barely getting yourself wet.  Lather up and rinse.  The hair can wait until tomorrow.  Hardly relaxing but at least you are clean. Sort of.  You’re saving water at least.   
    5. Breastfeeding on the go – when your baby is half way through his hour long feed and you only have half an hour left of parking and haven’t even picked up one thing from your list of things to get – you’ll find yourself breastfeeding on the go.  As long as he’s being fed you can carry on your with what you need to do. Multitasker extraordinaire!

    My top 4 tips - breastfeeding on the go!

    My top 4 tips - breastfeeding on the go!

    Breastfeeding my firstborn (6 years ago) to breastfeeding my third child were two totally different experiences for me. Perhaps it was being a new first time mother going through the emotions of the unknown, being conscious and worried about everything you do, or perhaps breastfeeding today is more open and widely spoken about than it was six years ago (I’m making it sound as though I’m living in the 1900s!). When out and about with my firstborn, as soon as I heard the sounds of my baby crying hungry for some milk, I would immediately find a quiet place, a corner of a cafe or restaurant or even behind closed curtains in fitting rooms, and feed my little one.   I only really felt comfortable breastfeeding when I was in the comfort of my own home where I could just take my time, not worry about who was around and just let my breasts hang out! Maybe it's my personality that made me more reserved and shy about feeding in public - I like to keep certain personal things private and as natural as breastfeeding your baby is and should be, for me, it was a private matter and something I would only do in front of my immediate family and closest of friends. I was always much more conscious of what I looked like when breastfeeding. Being conscious of appearance whilst breastfeeding was not about me being vain about my physical appearance, it was more worrying about whether I was breastfeeding my child properly, would I be judged if I wasn't holding him in the correct position, whether I was flashing my post baby stomach to the public or worse, my boob!  I am far from those yummy mummy type of women who look effortlessly immaculate (even with a newborn baby),.I was probably edging more towards the zombie faced, sleep deprived, panda eyed look, that people didn’t even try to pretend and say ‘you look well’ to me! 

    Fast forward a few years, third time round, breastfeeding was a totally different experience. I was much more comfortable about feeding out and about, in front of large groups of people, I would just whip 'em out, so to speak! Perhaps the fact that having two older kids to look after meant I didn’t have time to get comfortable (literally) and therefore didn’t have time to even worry about what I looked like. I remember being on holiday in the middle of street markets and restaurants in the bustling city of Kuala Lumpur and baby no.3 was crying out for a feed, nowhere to go, nowhere to sit so I lowered him in my carrier, whipped my breastfeeding cover over us and pulled down my top to feed. This is feeding on the go! It was easy! Why did I not do this before? If you are relaxed and confident, breastfeeding on the go is so much easier and much more sociable than sitting in a quiet room, sometimes for hours waiting for your baby to finish.

    Although I am all for breastfeeding your baby in public, I personally, am not one to just pull my top down and feed my baby. So if any of you are like me, here are a few hints and tips for breastfeeding on the go.

    Tip no.1 - breastfeeding cover

    Personally, I like to be covered up or be a little more discreet (unlike Alice!) so my first tip for anyone who doesn’t like to display to the world that you are breastfeeding your child, is to purchase a breastfeeding cover. Click here to shop Onco's recommendation.

    Tip no.2 - one up and one down

    There are many nursing vests and tops on the market but I personally don’t think it’s necessary. All you need are a couple of string vests underneath your normal tops and jumpers and when you are ready to feed, you pull your outer top up and pull your vest down from the top and under your boob. This also helps to cover up and keep your stomach and back areas warm. In addition, wearing button up shirts, tops, dresses or front zip clothing are also quick and easy clothing for breastfeeding on the go.

    Tip no.3 - feeding in a sling/carrier

    Adjust position of baby and sling so that baby’s head is level with your breast and voila! There are some slings and carriers that are designed for nursing so you can always hunt for these but I think most slings/carriers work. Click here to shop Onco's recommendation.

    Tip no.4 - be relaxed and confident

    Most people will not notice you are even breastfeeding if you are relaxed and confident. Carry on with what you are doing, whether it’s in conversation, eating or reading, enjoy as these precious moments do not last long and before you know it, it's all over.