5 things you didn’t know you would do until you had a baby
We all know that having your precious little baby is life changing. Your body changes forever, you can't sleep, you change a million dirty nappies, you are responsible for everything your baby needs: feeding, changing, cleaning, teaching and loving them. But who knew all the other things that you would do when you have a baby to make life work.
- Going to the toilet whilst holding your baby – you’ve held on for as long as you can and your baby either hasn’t finished his nap or just will not let you go without crying, and you have already slightly leaked. So you go to take a pee whilst holding your baby. It can be done. This is when you realise those jeans are a pain to put back on … with one hand.
- Cook whilst holding your baby in one arm - It’s Wednesday and you haven’t had a home cooked meal since Sunday when husband was at home so you decide to cook dinner but it’s now 6pm and you still haven’t managed to time preparing dinner with your baby. So you learn the art of one handed dinner preparation and cooking. The carrots might still have the skin on – it’s hard using a peeler with one hand. The courgettes might not be perfectly sliced in equal pieces. Have you ever chopped with a blunt knife before? And the chicken might be overcooked because there are uneven pieces but at least you can say you cooked.
- Playing tag at meal times with your partner. On the days you actually manage to cook dinner you’ll want to enjoy your delicious meal whilst it’s hot. Why do babies always know when it’s our meal time? And wont’ let you eat in peace. So one of you holds the baby walking around the house, starving. At least one of you can enjoy your meal whilst it’s hot although you’ll prob eat it in half the time that you usually do so that your partner can have some food.
- 1 - 2 minute showers – you know still being in your pyjamas at 4pm is normal but in this heat you can’t wait to jump in the shower except baby just won’t let you… so you put him down, he’s crying as if it was the worst thing on earth you could ever do, so you have the fastest shower on record. Barely getting yourself wet. Lather up and rinse. The hair can wait until tomorrow. Hardly relaxing but at least you are clean. Sort of. You’re saving water at least.
- Breastfeeding on the go – when your baby is half way through his hour long feed and you only have half an hour left of parking and haven’t even picked up one thing from your list of things to get – you’ll find yourself breastfeeding on the go. As long as he’s being fed you can carry on your with what you need to do. Multitasker extraordinaire!