The not so nice truths about being pregnant
The not so nice truths about pregnancy - which of these affected you?
For some people, pregnancy is a breeze and you may actually have that ‘pregnancy glow’ for the nine months of carrying your baby but for me, even though I was lucky to have relatively smooth pregnancies and healthy babies, I definitely didn’t have that ‘pregnancy glow’ people talk about. So from talking to other mums and from my own personal experience, here are some truths about what to expect when you’re expecting.
1 - Morning sickness. Despite its name, it can actually happen any time of day or night. There are varying degrees of morning sickness, some feel a slight feeling of nauseousness whereas others are physically sick but try to feel comforted that it affects around 80% of women and no harm will be come to your baby.
2 - Strong sense of smell and taste. During your nine months of pregnancy, particularly in the first trimester, you can develop an oddly strong sense of smell and taste. Foods that you used to love will now become your dislikes. Even the thought of food can make you feel a bit nauseous.
3 - Feeding for two. I like to ignore what people say about it not being true but I for one will use the excuse to eat everything and anything I want and more. Your body is going to change completely so why not enjoy it and eat that slice of chocolate cake. It will do the baby some good!
4 - Baby brain. Even the most organised and intelligent women will have baby brain during pregnancy. Your brain does turn into mush and you easily forget about things you should have done or should be doing. You will also have conversations where you will forget what you are about to say mid-sentence and if you do remember, you will say the most ridiculous things because you really believe it is true (even if your non-pregnant self would disagree).
5 - Sleepness nights...and you thought sleepless nights begin when your baby is born. Unfortunately, as your bump grows, getting comfortable will become more difficult when sleeping. I have always loved sleeping on my front so sleep during pregnancy was always going to be more uncomfortable for me. You are then conscious of not sleeping on your back and to one side.
6 - Fuller hair. Yes the thick luscious gorgeous locks on your head is one of the big bonuses of being pregnant, but hair does not only grow on your head. You become a little bit hairier all over - I always remember the hair that grew around around my belly button.
7 - Waterworks. You can cry at everything. Those hormones will all come out during your nine months of pregnancy.
8 - Waterworks no. 2...and the other waterworks will involve frequent toilet breaks. As soon as you start to get comfortable in bed, you then need yet another wee.
9 - Constipation. When I finally managed to go I honestly thought I was giving birth! Enough said.
Discllaimer: This is an account of my personal experience from pregnancies. Please seek medical advice if you have any concerns with what you feel uncomfortable with.