Num num on cucumber sticks
Baby Led Weaning Diary
Day 6: A visit to grandparents' to celebrate Uncle moving into his new house meant a celebratory dinner was cooked by grandad. In the midst of the chaos we realised LO was hungry however grandad likes salt in his food and the meal was definitely unsuitable for a baby - even a baby on baby led weaning. Too much salt creates a taste for salt that babies don’t need, and it could affect their blood pressure. So avoid giving baby processed foods or fast food and, when cooking, omit all added salt. You can always sprinkle some onto your own food if necessary.
So a hunt in grandma's fridge we found a cucumber and Auntie Connie said that these would be perfect as LO has been drooling loads recently due to his teething. The cool cucumber would be a natural teether. I cut them chunky so he could just gnaw on them without them falling to bits easily. He sat gnawing on them throughout our meal.
Lessons learned
Cucumber sticks make great teethers
Day 6: cucumber sticks
Day 7: carrot batons