No more baby poo!
When you become a parent - especially when your baby starts weaning - your favourite topics of conversation becomes what they're eating and what comes out the other end. Having dealt with big brother's extremely fast gastrointestinal tract (changing nappies up to 25 times a day right up to when he was 6 months old and even when he was weaning around 10 times a day) I've seen a lot of baby poo! What I know is that there is no normal. Only what's normal for your child. Normal varies quite a bit. Some babies only poo once a week and some, like big brother, poo a lot more. When you start weaning LO may go more or less often and the colour and smell changes with his diet - becoming more like yours!
This was something I was not looking forward to. As exciting as it is to watch them learn to love food - changing to adult poo is something you just don't get used to.
LO took 15 days for his poo to change. I suppose he didn't actually eat anything for a week or so and then only small quantities up until now. He's now graduated to adult poo. Yay.
I have to add from past experience if LO doesn't eat much on a particular day then their poo goes back to milk poo!
Day 14: Lunch - chicken with pumpkin, broccoli with fine beans
Day 15: Lunch - banana. Dinner - Beans and carrots and cucumber batons.
Day 16: Lunch - avocado. Dinner - Steamed turbot with ginger and courgettes
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