Getting your little one school ready - Tips for Parents
As my nephew is starting reception soon I thought I'd put together a few tips for Alice of things that her little one should ideally have got the hang of before starting school and being on his own. Use this as a guide for your little ones to tick off to prepare for school:
- I know when to wash my hands
- I can wipe my nose
- I can ask for help if I don't feel well
Speaking & literacy
- I am interested in reading stories & looking at picture books
- I am able to talk about myself, my needs & feelings
- I am practising recognising my name when it's written down
Getting undressed & undressed on my own
- I can button & unbutton my clothes
- I can put my own shoes & socks on
- I can put my coat on and & use the zip
Interest in the world & new activities
- I enjoy learning about the world around me
- I am interested in exploring new activities or environments
- I like asking questions
- I can use a knife & fork
- I can open my packed lunch on my own
- I am confident at opening wrappers & packaging
Writing skills
- I like tracing patterns & colouring in
- I enjoy experimenting wit different shaped scribbles
- I am practising holding a pencil
Going to the toilet
- I can go to the toilet on my own, wipe myself properly & flush
- I can wash & dry my hands without any help
- I am happy to be away from my mummy, daddy or my main carer
- I am happy to tidy my belongings & look after my things
- I am feeling confident about starting school
Listening & understanding
- I am able to sit still and listen for a short while
- I can follow instructions
- I understand the need to follow rules
Sharing & turn taking
- I can share toys & take turns
- I can play games with others
- I can interest with other children
Counting skills
- I enjoy practising counting objects
- I like saying number rhymes & playing counting games
- I can recognise some numbers when they are written down
- I have practised putting on my uniform & getting ready to leave on time
- I have a good bedtime routine so I'm not feeling for school
- I'm learning to eat at the times I will on school days