9 is the magic number
Baby Led Weaning Diary
Day 9: Having read that baby led weaning may mean LO simply plays with his food for quite a while, even up to a year because all his nutritional needs are met by either formula or breast milk, LO is exclusively breastfed, I had resigned myself that he may not eat anything I give him. He seemed to enjoy messing and squishing his food but was a long way off from putting food into his mouth. The closest he'd gotten was up his nose! I was not too bothered whether he was going to eat unlike his older brother. Big brother did not sleep - still doesn't sleep well and in my mind I associated fuller stomach with longer sleeps! (It doesn't). I'll probably jinx myself now but whether I'm just used to sleep deprivation or it may be that LO sleeps much better than big brother.
Lunch on day 9 were carrot batons. I have now learnt that they were cut much too thin. As I steamed them so they are soft when squeezed fingers LO has a strong grip and whenever he grabbed them the baton that was in his hand would break and the top part would fall off. He would get frustrated and cry! But lo and behold on day 9 he managed to lick a tiny piece of carrot. Oh the joy on his face! And then with persistence he managed to bite a piece of and I think he swallowed it off. Dribble dribble. And a another go - oooh he managed to bite a larger piece off to chew. This is when I am sitting with bated breath. Here comes the gagging or is it choking question. Cough cough splatter splatter. Swallow. He's ok. It's gagging. And he gives up. I didn't panic but I did probably hold my breath. Thankfully it didn't last long. It's a good idea to do learn what to do in the event of choking before you start your baby led weaning journey.
Lessons learned:-Carrot batons need to be chunkier than those usually served up as I had done last week. See image for reference.
Day 9:Lunch - banana, Dinner - carrot batons
Day 10:Lunch- broccoli, Dinner - carrot batons
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